The Telkom Foundation Trust is an autonomous legal entity of Telkom SA SOC Limited with its own Board of Trustees and Head of the Foundation. The Telkom Foundation conducts all Telkom SA SOC Limited's corporate social investment initiatives, which during the year under review spanned seven provinces (Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Free State and North West) The Telkom Foundation was established in 1998 and registered as a trust in 2002. This report presents covers the year from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.
The primary objective of the Telkom Foundation is to contribute to the transformation of disadvantaged communities through sustainable development programmes. The Foundation acts in collaboration with the government, the private sector and education institutions to improve the quality of education in Science, Technology, English and Maths.
Read more about our goal & objectives, the trustees and the team responsible for the Foundation and our partners